Over the past 9 years I have traveled A LOT for roller derby. I have traveled to play, coach and just watch. I have had car trips and airplane rides but not buses or trains... yet.
Some of my trips have been SUPER AMAZING!!! Some have sucked rocks. Some were exciting! Some super boring. What is it about traveling that can make or break a person?
Well - I have gone over my past adventures and came up with some good tips. I had a road trip last weekend where I implied some of these things, you know, for THE RESEARCH. I wanted to make this mini trip the BEST TRIP EVER! Was that possible in just a drive from Seattle to Portland for a one nighter?
WELL - I have it my best shot... and I think I did pretty fantabulous.
Here are the top 12 things I suggest for a super FUN derby trip. Why are there 12?
Because my number is 12 and I love things about me.
1) Go with a travel buddy who is super fun and like minded. Who appreciates your sleep schedule and your drinking capacities. If you like to stay up late then find a roomie who likes the same - stuff like that. Then you won't have arguments or resentments later.
2) Pack lots of costumes and/or hats. This is a must. Normal clothes are for staying home and going to work, unless you have a super rad job where you wear hats and costumes everyday, then I am kinda jealous.
3) Name your adventure. Make shirts. Dress alike. It's funny when you stop places.
4) Bring snacks and beverages for the road so you don't have to stop unless you want to.
5) Make sure you leave plenty of time for the trip so you CAN stop whenever you want and take photos with giant balls of string or pet some pigmee goats.
6) Pixie Stix = the friend maker
7) Pack a swim suit, always, even if there is no pool anywhere, you never know. Be willing to jump in lakes, fountains, pools, rivers and rain barrels.
8) Bring random toys to take photos with. I prefer squeeky Pirate Chickens. (Peggy Clyde & Hooky Hank). Sometimes I bring my puppet, BFG2.0 but usually only when I am on a trip by myself and need the company. (Which is actually in deviation from the #1 rule. (going on trips by myself makes me a little nutty - see video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0cMktpw98c))
9) Be willing to do what the others want. Go with the flow. Don't be a stick in the mud.
10) Ask a local for a good FUNKY FUN place to eat. You won;t find the best places on Google or in a phone book (a what?) or in a newspaper.... You gotta ask. Locals know!
11) Bring a camera, NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU IF THERE ISN'T PROOF. But be careful, sometimes you don't want proof.
12) Win the after party.There are several ways to WIN an after party. The main thing is to go in, be noticed, cause a fun commotion, say hey to all your teammates and congratulate/thank/high five the team you bouted against and then leave before you do anything too stupid. There can be more than ONE winner of the after party. Just be a winner!
The fact for me is this. After all my road trips. It is not the facts of the game I remember so much as the feeling from the game. The outcome of the game is remembered less in the score but who won and how do I feel about what me and my team brought, win or lose...
BUT what is really remembered is HOW MUCH FUN DID I HAVE? What did I do before and after the bout? Who did I go with? Where there proper amounts of shenanigans had? Did I win the after party? Are my pictures super cute?
By no means am I saying the bout is not important. It is the reason I breath. It is my life to train for derby, scrimmage, study derby and coach derby and watch derby and love derby and why I would travel in the first place. I personally play better when I am in good spirits so by having a good trip, I am going to have a better game and a better memory. One day, that is all derby will be for all of us. A memory. Make yours a good one.
For the rest of the photos from my last trip check this link to my BFG athlete page photo album.
And look forward to new photos after my next coaching trip this weekend to Edmonton for the
For more fun videos check out my YOUTUBE channel. BFG12TRPlease feel free to comment on or share my blog.
And lastly, don't be afraid to draw on your face. Even if you already drew on your face.
ps. Doesn't Peggy Clyde look good after the BFG LASIC?
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